Freeing precious resources to focus on children and young people
Track hard to reach groups via Purlos’ WhatsApp-based engagement platform

NPS Score

At 21, Jenni is a relatable and friendly voice for younger children throughout their journey from school to employment. She’s got plenty of enthusiasm and determination to help them succeed – the perfect addition to in-house support services.
Connect through WhatsApp & Facebook
With an 85% connection rate it’s much easier to reach Gen-Z. We also design “risk-surveys” to find out which children are the most at risk of not finding a job or entering education.

Highlight risk
The top reasons why children disengage are “family issues” and “stress & anxiety”. Getting this data early can help inform a more effective strategy to avoid larger support costs in future.
Resolve queries
Jenni does the heavy lifting to reduce repetitive work for your support team. 80% of the questions children ask are centered around the same themes, and are easy to answer. When those complex queries DO come through you resolve them immediately on Purlos.

Personalised dashboard
Gain confidence in your data for different vulnerable groups:
○ Identify NEETs and Not Knowns
○ Sentiment analysis
○ Risk drivers
○ Live WhatsApp chat window
Our clients