1) What is your key admissions problem?
2) Have you any other challenges with brand new applicants?
3) What would you most like to achieve over the period of your partnership with Purlos?
We can answer 95% of admissions questions and remove a lot of the work currently carried out by your team. However, with complex queries we will send through details to your admissions team regularly.
In certain situations it is more efficient to signpost students to fantastic external resources you may already work with. Are you happy for us to suggest these organisations in specific situations?:
1) Mental health & counselling – Kooth Online Chat (www.kooth.com)
2) Crisis – The Samaritans (www.samaritans.org , Free phone number: 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org)
3) Crisis – Childline (www.childline.org.uk, Free phone number: 0800 1111
4) Financial support – The Money Advice Service (www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk)
5) Financial support – Advice from the government (www.gov.uk/browse/education/student-finance)
6) Coronavirus support – Advice from the government (www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-schools-and-other-educational-settings)
7) Careers support – Prospects Career’s tool (www.prospects.ac.uk/planner and UCAS to figure out their grades (entry requirements https://www.ucas.com/ucas/tariff-calculator)
8) Apprenticeships information (www.apprenticeships.gov.uk)
9) Transport costs and information (Traveline (Gateway to the UK’s public transport systems https://www.traveline.info & Free journey cost calculator, https://www.traveline.info/
10. Are there any other organisations (local or national) you would like to highlight?
1) Interviews – Are you doing any phone based interviews this year?
2) Offers – Are you giving students unconditional offers, conditional offers or a mixture of both?
3) Offers – What is the process if a student has not received the grades they need to get on their course?
4) When can you start conversations with students that don’t hit their grades (FE Week says August 13 and 20th for A-level and GCSEs)?
4) What is your safeguarding policy when communicating with students?
Throughout the year you have important events that support the recruitment, conversion and retention of new students. Please list the most important events to support recruitment, conversion and rentetion throughout the year:
Most important events for admissions
How do you think these will change next year with COVID-19?
When during the year do you have the largest drop-out of new students historically (Summer holidays or ‘summer melt’, 6-week period etc.)
Who is in charge of events in case the website information is not correct?
Are this the most up to date events lists?
1) Do we have a list of students that have been offered a place to populate the system?
2) Who is the data protection officer?
3) Have you set Purlos up on your CRM as a student so we can can keep up to date with branding and messaging?
4) Do you have access to your admissions data from last academic year so we can start to compare trends year by year, and who could organise to send a basic version of this across to us?
5) How up to date is your website and who updates it (especially the events page)?
6) Is it possible for new applicants to apply multiple times on the website (duplication of data)?
7) Are you aware of when a new applicant is a student and when it is a parent, if so how do you store this infomation?
8) Do you know what our product roadmap is, and what we may be adding over the next year?
9) Do you have any jobs/process/areas that are closesly related to admissions that you would want automating in the future (bursary applications, virtual events comms, getting students to pay online (like Wisepay)?
Please add as many contacts as you can (with Full name, Email, and Direct Telephone Number) including:
Main platform user
Head of Marketing
Head of Admissions
Student Services Director
Head of Safeguarding
Head of MIS
Head of Careers
Head of SEND/Learner support
Head of Safeguarding
Is there anyone else at your college that is involved closesly to the job of attracting, converting, and retaining new students?
One of our main aims is to maintain a strong connection with your College and work with to improve your offering to students. Please feel free to contact us at anytime (weekdays 9am-5:30pm) using any of the below contacts:
- General questions for non-clients (Tel: 020 8242 1855, ask@purlos.co.uk)
- Client questions (success@purlos.co.uk)
- Escalation contact (David Bartlett, Tel: 07786395190, david@purlos.co.uk)
- Technical questions (Mo Salam, mo@purlos.co.uk)
- Customer sucess team (success@purlos.co.uk)